Wally… Did You No Wrong


The true, but tragic story of how Warwick Alan Nightingale (Wally) instigated and formed what was to become The Sex Pistols – Legends of Punk Rock.


Be Warned

This book contains stories of betrayal, hatred, envy, sex, punk rock, porn, robbery, skulduggery, sex, jealousy, friendships, shame, fun, guitars, thievery, dishonesty, slander, money, sex, fame, sorrow, drugs, pity, isolation, murder, rejection, style, fortune, despair, loss, hope and death.

Ron Evans, friend and former bandmate, tells the unbelievable but true story of how one man, Wally Nightingale, got it all started and follows his tragic path to inevitable self-destruction.

Limited Run Pre-Publication. Each copy signed personally by Ron Evans. Included Packaging & Delivery


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